DAISy- The D. Lawton Associates Administrative Information System

We wanted an integrated solution for internal billing, cash receipts, vendor payments, payroll, general ledger, scheduling and contact management. The growth of our consulting and development business and the increased complexity of our projects led to a need for internal systems to reduce the administrative overhead of running our business.

Key Features

  • Contact management system integrated with our company’s central Rolodex.
  • Ability of consultants to enter their work into a time/billing module from remote locations generating invoices and feeding financial and payroll information to the accounting system.
  • Integrated project planning and tracking system helps us develop project plans and track progress as consultants complete their tasks.
  • Hierarchical invoice review allowing consultants, project managers, client managers and corporate to review, question and approve invoices.
  • Security that assures data access is appropriate to the role of each user.
  • Manages employee views when working in a variety of roles across different projects.
  • Full service industry accounting capabilities.
  • The flexibility to easily add new features and integrate with other software and databases.

Our Results

  • Billing and payroll cycle reduced from 2 days to 4 – 6 hours.
  • Project status information available in real time.
  • Ability to report on archived data (from data warehouse).
  • Time spent entering hours by consulting staff was reduced by 75%.